Latest News

Cancellation of Spring Provincial Championships Memo

Dear ASAA Member Schools:

On November 20th, the ASAA Executive Committee, with the support of a majority of the ASAA Zones, approved a modified schedule for 2020/21 ASAA provincial championship dates. Built into that schedule were assessment dates by which the Zones empower the ASAA Executive Committee to determine, based on current circumstances, whether or not running a provincial championship in each sport is viable.

Transfer policy interpretation after 12-months of no participation Memo

Dear ASAA Member Schools:

The ASAA office has received several inquiries from members who are seeking additional clarification on how the pandemic will impact student athletic eligibility. The purpose of this memo is to clarify ASAA transfer policy intent. The following excerpt is found in Section IV - Eligibility, 11. Transfer Policy, B., i., page 49 (2021-21 policy handbook):

Accepted reasons for approving eligibility for transfer students:

In Memory of Michael Vaughan

Saturday afternoon Michael Vaughan passed away. Michael’s generosity and enthusiasm for life will be sorely missed. Michael has been a leader and inspiration within the ASAA community. He is survived by his wife and 2 daughters. Michael and Shauna were inducted into the ASAA Hall of Fame in February 2021.

Michael’s funeral is this Thursday at 11:00 am. It will be live streamed as well. People can go to:

to watch the service.

Memo for Cancellation of Cheer and Team Handball

Dear ASAA Member Schools:

On November 20th, the ASAA Executive Committee, with the support of a majority of the ASAA Zones, approved a modified schedule for 2020/21 ASAA provincial championship dates. Built into that schedule were assessment dates by which the Zones empower the ASAA Executive Committee to determine, based on current circumstances, whether or not running a provincial championship in each sport is viable.

Click on the link below to read the full memo.

ASAA Virtual Free Throw Challenge!

We’re challenging the province to a free throw contest! Test your accuracy with the free throw challenge!

How to Play

There are two categories that students may compete in: Individual or Unified Sports.

Midget Football

Date: Thursday, March 11, 2021

To: ASAA Member Schools

From: ASAA Executive Committee

Re: ASAA Policy regarding Midget Football

Season of Play Updated Memo

Dear ASAA Member Schools:

The ASAA Executive Committee has approved a request from one of ASAA’s zones to allow for flexibility on Seasons of Play for all twelve ASAAA sports. Effective immediately:

The football season of play will start on March 15, 2021 and continue through to June 30, 2021.
All other ASAA sports are approved for an “open” season of play immediately (March 9, 2021) and the season of play will continue through to June 5, 2021.

Track and Field Provincials

Dear ASAA Member Schools:

On November 20th, the ASAA Executive Committee, with the support of a majority of the ASAA Zones, approved a modified schedule for 2020/21 ASAA provincial championship dates. Built into that schedule were assessment dates by which the Zones empower the ASAA Executive Committee to determine, based on current circumstances, whether or not running a provincial championship in each sport is viable.

Click on the link provided to read the full memo.

Special Hall of Fame Presentation

This amazing team has dedicated their entire careers to this point in support of leadership and administration as a husband-and-wife team committed to Three Hills School and the province of Alberta. There is little doubt that independently neither the school nor the province would have been as well served, but together the benefits to both have been extraordinary and exponentially impressive.
To read the full write up for Michael and Shauna Vaughan please Click Here.

Impact Registration Open



Complete school sport coaching courses today.

The Locker

Alberta Interscholastic Athletic Administrative Association

Enhancing and preserving the educational value of interscholastic athletics.

Canadian Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association


Be sure to review the latest ASAA Bylaws and Policies.

ASAA Bylaws and Policies