Notice of Motion Submission

  1. Association bylaws can only be changed by a special resolution of the members. Amendments to these Bylaws may be made by a 75 per cent majority vote of the Board in attendance at a duly constituted meeting.
  2. Amendments to Bylaws may be submitted by Zones, schools or the Executive Committee. Schools submitting such amendments must advise their respective Zone Executive.
  3. All items under Policy may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Governors. Proposed amendments must be submitted, in writing, to the ASAA office by April 1. The amendments to be considered will be posted on the ASAA website and available to all member schools at least three weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. Proposed amendments of an emergent nature to be considered at the Annual Planning Meeting, must be submitted, in writing, to the ASAA office by September 1.
  4. Notices of motion to amend the Bylaws may be waived where such an amendment is clearly of a housekeeping nature and does not change the intent of the Bylaws.

Submissions must be completed in the official template. Click HERE to download the template. The template can be edited in Microsoft Word and must then be e-mailed to the ASAA office via