The ASAA is a voluntary, non-profit organization that was established in 1956 to coordinate a program of worthwhile athletic activities for the young people of Alberta in an educational setting. Starting with a single championship in basketball, the ASAA now oversees the coordination of provincial championship events in 11 sports for Alberta’s high school student athletes.
The membership, currently over 400 high schools, ultimately determines the Bylaws and Policy of the Association through representation on the Provincial Board of Governors (Board). The Association holds two Board meetings annually, typically in June and December. The Executive Committee (Executive), comprised of the President, Past President or Vice President, Executive Member at Large, Male and Female Athletic Directors, Past Athletic Director and the Executive Director, is responsible for the management of the ASAA on a day-today basis.
While ASAA activities operate for the benefit of the students, it is the Executive, Board and other volunteers administering, coaching and promoting the programs that are responsible for its success. Over 10,000 school personnel and other volunteers in Alberta donate their time and talent to ensure that the schools’ athletic programs will provide enjoyable, positive athletic competition and experiences for over 55,000 students annually. The ASAA Bylaws and Policies are intended to provide direction in the areas of equitable competition and ethical standards for all involved with school athletic programs. Technical expertise is provided through appointed sport Commissioners and close liaison with provincial sports governing bodies. Limiting the length of seasons of play opens the door to multi-sport participation; one of the goals of the Association in developing all round citizens.
The Association’s main sources of funding come from: The Alberta Ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women, other grants, membership fees, sponsorship, apparel sales and more. The majority of funding is distributed in the following areas: medals, trophies, banners, Champion T-shirts, and other provincial championship supplies, officiating costs for provincial competitions; delegate expenses to meetings and teacher substitute costs; scorepads; office administration - postage, printing, telephones, web hosting and related expenses, supplies, etc.; and staff salaries, benefits and travel.
For almost 70 years, the ASAA has served as a communications medium for Alberta high schools. The opportunity for teachers and coaches to exchange information and for students to travel province wide to engage in friendly athletic competition is a valuable educational experience for all participants.

In addition to the information above, the ASAA:
- Has produced an annual yearbook since 1967
- Produces an annual Policy Handbook
- Provides equal opportunities for male and female athletes
- Supports 25+ provincial championship host locations in awarding 65 championship banners annually
- Maintains an active and regularly updated website and Sport Registration System (SRS)
- Supports and collaboratively works with the Canadian Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (CIAAA)
- Coordinates an online coach education program in conjunction with Coaching Association of Canada.
- Implements Para Athletics events in select sports
- Manages Unified Sports in partnership with Special Olympics Alberta