New Athletic Directors

Welcome to your new role as an Athletic Director!

As the AD for your school, it will be your role to liaise with the ASAA office and ensure that your school is in accordance with all ASAA Bylaws and Policies. We reccommend that you start off with these tasks:

  1. Contact the ASAA office - ensure that your information is added to the SRS (Sport Registration System) and that all details for your school are correct
  2. Familiarize yourself with the Sport Registration System (SRS) - The SRS is the database that you will use to register all of your school teams and students for high school athletics. To view the various features of the SRS, be sure to check out our SRS Webinar
  3. Familiarize yourself with the ASAA Bylaws and Policies - Each member school will receive a hard copy of the ASAA Policy Handbook at the start of each school year. To view an online version of the handbook, check out our Bylaws and Policies page. Are you looking for a quick highlight of key policies? Take a look at our Policy Highlights Brochure for quick reference information.
  4. Review the Registration Deadlines - Ensure that you register all school teams and student athletes on time! The deadlines are listed in the Policy Handbook, in the SRS, on the annual ASAA Calendar of Events, and on our website. Check them out and make sure to mark them on your calendar.
The ASAA staff are here to assist you so do not be afraid to contact us with any questions.